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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is your Halloween Candy going to make you fat?

                Have you been sneaking pieces of Halloween candy this week? Do you have any trick or treater's going out tonight and how many of you will be sneaking their candy. Things have changed from the time I was a child, when I was a kid Trick or Treat started right before dark and lasted for hours upon hours not to mention we used to receive full size candy bars back then. I remember I always got Clark bars oh I loathed those but my dad would always make sure they never went to waste. I'm pretty sure the whle checking the candy was a scheme parents came up with so they could eat their childrens candy. This leads me to today's post  with tonight being Halloween and me on my journey to being more healthy and helping my readers lead healthier lives I ponder how many of you will consume candy and how much candy will you consume.
                 I did a GOOGLE search and sure enough many others are pondering the same thing USA Today writes a story and they write "Almost all children in this country and half of adults will eat candy on Halloween." for the full article. And Forbes magazine is also "Dishing The Dirt" for the full article. But I want to know why do we do this? Why do we consume so much and totally forget about the past few weeks and how hard we have worked to not eat junk just to throw it away.
                 Sure I have a simple fix and I can pop two It Works!Global fat Fighters after I eat high fat foods which is what I do for many reasons that I'll get into later but its not a quick fix. As with anything else it takes a lot of time to Get Fat and therefore it takes a lot of time to Lose The Fat so why let a National Holiday ruin all your work. Is it that DEMON voice in your head that says "Oh you can have one, one isn't going to undo anything- this is true but one always leads to two, two leads to three and so on. Are we stronger enough for ourselves to ignore that voice today and push the candy dish aside?
                I am not I'll be the first to admit it but instead of getting frustrated and mad at myself I am going to eat the candy for tomorrow is a new day and the first of the month in which I personally am starting the Ultimate makeover program from It Works Global. But for today I will eat and snack and enjoy my children instead of worrying about how much Candy I consumed but I will be taking my Fat Fighters because I have been working hard to be healthier. Happy Halloween!!

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