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Monday, June 16, 2014

What are GMO Foods and why should you avoid them.

   This is my personal journey about GMO's and I am learning and researching right along with those of you on this journey with me, so please click on the sources I provide in this blog to study and understand both sides of GMO's. Understand I am not here to make a judgement call I am here to give sources with facts from both sides of the argument along with my choice to remove them and how I am going to do that. Happy reading!

             What are GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) ??????????????????????????

Biotechnology in plant agriculture has come to mean the process of intentionally making a copy of a gene for a desired trait from one plant or organism and using it in another plant. source-

which basically means the DNA has been changed of a specific organism. So why do Farmer's use them?

Farmers choose seeds based on what is best for their farms, market demand and local growing environments.  Farmers select GMOs to reduce yield loss or crop damage from weeds, diseases, and insects, as well as from extreme weather conditions, such as drought. Farmers choose to use GMOs to reduce the impact of agriculture on their environment and their costs — by applying pesticides in more targeted ways, for example. Farmers have also used GMOs to save a crop – such as papaya from Hawaii — that was being threatened by a disease.

Why do we care:

There are eight crops currently commercially available that are from GMO seeds in America- they are:
Corn (field and sweet)
Sugar beets

An even though government and scientific studies have been published saying things like, there are no health risks and or connections to disease. Many people with whom have removed GMO's from their diets are losing weight, not needing medications etc. It is a highly controversial subject. I'm not here to argue I'm here to share what they are and explain my journey on removing them from my diet and how you can to. Below you will find many websites to utilize in preparing for this journey. This is a great source to see what processed foods have GMO's, what they are, how to avoid them. As well as how to find Non GMO Food choices which includes retailers and verified restaurants -I found both of these resources to be very helpful! This is another great source for doing your homework to learn more about GMO's.

Please feel free to comment feedback below I am excited to learn.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Journey......New Life.......New Me!

       It has been several months since my last post and for several reasons but the main reason is got in my way and took my FOCUS! Summer is here and over the last few months I have been talking back and forth with an old friend from high school who has completely made over her life living everyday for herself as well as her family..owning her own time and when I say this please don't take it lightly, see she suffered from MS, was on several medications and worked a HIGH Stress corporate job. I can remember watching her posts on Facebook and I can remember her posting about being in so much pain she couldn't get out of bed.
     Fast forward to last fall and she had an interest in my products and we started to reconnect as a matter of fact in her telling her story to me I had my own AHA moment. One of these days I hope to get her on here to share her story but for now I will brief you on what has inspired my own personal journey. She has since lost over 80 pounds, she quit that corporate job to own her own business-owning her own time, she is off her meds and out of pain- how did she do this? She eliminated GMO's from her diet and she followed a very strict diet for awhile.
     So let's be real for a minute thousands of people have intentions to lose weight everyday especially when they see someone they know, someone real try the latest fad or gimmick and lose a bunch of weight. Honestly I have tried them all in my twenties I could starve myself and lose like 10 pounds in 3 days literally but in my late thirties things started to stick as well as stick out in places I didn't even know existed and I tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, Jenny Craig,  Bariatric Centers ( which is very expensive and not to my surprise is where those Rich Housewives go everyday to get a B12 shots to stay skinny), HCG drops, beachbody diets and exercise programs ok I've done a lot and the moral to any of them as soon as I stopped the weight came back plus some.
     It is true what they say diet and exercise is key to a healthy body. But do you know what this really mean especially that word diet? Not starting the latest gimmick or starving yourself but monitoring what you are consuming and how much you consume? This leads me to my journey you are welcome to come along I am going to explain what GMO's are how they affect your body. I am going to invite you into my personal journey to come along and join me as I get my body back to health, as I start a new chapter in this crazy thing called life and see a new me. I will be offering different foods you can eat and ones you should afford. Take what you like or leave it but either way I welcome you to join me. See you tomorrow where I will explain what GMO's are and how they changed my friends life which is inspiring me to change mine. I look forward to any comments you may have!