Trials and Tribulations of being a working Mom

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Making a Fresh Start!

What is today doesn't have to be tomorrow! Why do we do the things we do everyday? The habits good and bad, the job we commit to good or bad and the way we treat ourselves and others good and bad. What is your why what is it derived from- what pushes you through your daily routines? Are you happy, are you able to achieve the goals you wish for? On Mondays are you one of those folks who post silly hatred comments about it being a Monday on social network sites?

Most of us form habits as children- good and bad and as we mature we either better ourselves or we get worse. I believe that part of this comes from how we are raised and how we are taught to view and live in the world. For example if you are taught to be a hard worker 9 times out of 10 you will grow up to be a hard worker, but there is that small percentage of people that resent that they were taught this and they rebel. As adults you either go to college or you work in the service industry but regardless of what we do we all have to work (those that can work but choose not too well that's a whole different blog.) I am curious and I haven't ran the numbers how many people graduate college and get a job in the field they went to school for or if they are truly happy with their current position.  This also rings true for the blue collar worker, are they truly happy in their current position? I am not bias either way but I have a feeling no matter who you are, are you totally content with your current life situation? Now I am not naive I realize as Americans we are never really happy and we always yearn for more and I also realize the more money we make the more we spend. However I am getting away from my point. My point as children we are taught  that whatever we do as an adult it is derived from our PASSION. For example when a young child is asked what they want to be when they grow up they usually say school teacher, doctor, president, fireman, police officer etc you see where I'm going. Some children know from a very young age what they want to do for a living when they grow up and actually stay FOCUSED and COMMITTED and held ACCOUNTABLE and the end result they achieve there dream job. But that is not the reality for most of us, we are taught that as children then as an adult it is we are rushed to make a decision right out of high school to work, go to college etc and most kids aren't ready for this type of quick decision.. so what's my point I still haven't gotten there right?

As a child your taught to dream and if you work hard you can do anything, my dad used to say "you better enjoy what you do because you will have to do it for a long time!" Wow he was right... Anyways so what is your PASSION and WHY aren't you doing it? Or are you? Do you go to your job everyday because if you put in your 40+ hours every week your boss is committed to paying you for those hours and so basically your money driven? Or are you truly enjoying your job (because remember I said earlier we all have one, whether your a mom who stays home or you physically go to a work place) and are you rewarded mentally and physically. This is the Fire in Your Belly, this is what pushes you everyday, this is what helps you stay focused, break bad habits and treat yourself with pride, dignity, and allowing yourself to have a sense of accomplishment! The Fire in your belly is your WHY it is so much more meaningful then money- because we all need money, but if your don't have a WHY the money is meaningless.

 In my business my company pushes us to search for our WHY, they even say if it doesn't make you cry its not big or strong enough. This has become my PASSION to help others recognition their WHY and help them achieve it, whether its to be healthier or to be able to take care of an elderly parent, sick child, pay for college educations etc. Being a working mom and balancing work, home , marriage and children is sometimes very trying but I am pursuing my PASSION and because of that everything is balancing out the way it should. I welcome you to share your WHY and PASSION in the comment section below and if you would to know more about my company let me know. But whatever you do remember it is not too late for a fresh start!

After completing this blog I found myself listening to Tony Robbins interview with Brendon Burchard during his "The New Money Masters" series on CD and DVD and Brendon Burchard was very enlightening on this exact subject about being Passionate and loving what you do.

Here's an exert from Brendon's website... Why do some people succeed at levels beyond their imagination, while others struggle? It comes down to how they manage their psychology, physiology, productivity and persuasion. Think about it. If you can't master your mind, your body, your ability to get things done, and your ability to influence others to help you on your journey, then you're stuck forever in mediocrity.

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