Trials and Tribulations of being a working Mom

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013


40th. Birthday

   So this is a very exciting week for me, I turn 40 this week, I know many people don't get too exciting about turning 40 and I have to say I have mixed feelings. However to overcome my anxiety of hitting the big 40 I have been implementing many exciting promotions with my It Works business to help anyone I can live a better life.
   It started yesterday when I offered Veterans, military personnel or military spouses a box of Ultimate Body Applicators ($99) when they sign on to be a distributor with me by Friday at Midnight. Let me explain why I felt the need to promote this on Veteran's day. Many Military Spouses have a hard time finding employment for several reasons- they are relocated many times making it difficult to hold a job. Many of them have small children and don't live near family or friends to help watch their children so they can work or their husbands are deployed and they are by themselves. For these reasons working from home has been a true blessing, however whatever direct selling company they choose- they need to do their research ahead of time and make sure they ask a lot of questions so they don't waste they time making little to no money. With It Works we can take our kids with us, work our business from Facebook and work from home, or if we move we take it with us. Any one currently in the military it helps to bring in extra income to their home especially when military families live on a strict salary. When military personnel retire or leave the military job placement can be difficult, there's a magazine in Coraopolis PA that helps place them in jobs it is called G.I Jobs check the link, but often they still need more income and Network marketing can be the answer. Please read  Samantha's        story below:
      Currently Samantha is the youngest AMBASSADOR DIAMOND, 24 years old, $32,000 per MONTH average!

#RETIRED husband!!


Here is her story:

We met each other very early in our lives, at the ages of 16 and 19, and shortly after Anthony was deployed for 16 months to Afghanistan. We went through many trials and tribulations in the first few years of our marriage, everything from 2 miscarriages, Anthony being medically retired from the Army for PTSD, and moving back home to Texas. We thought that things would be so much easier once we were home with family but little did we know there was more bumps in the road ahead.

I was 8 months pregnant with our little girl and we weren’t able to buy any of the houses that we had dreamed of. My parents decided to buy our first home for us and we would make the payments. We had to settle for a small 2 bedroom house.

We thought we had things figured out! Anthony was starting school to become a mechanical engineer and I was staying at home to raise Hailey. When Hailey was 6 months old I found out I was pregnant again and this was a huge surprise because we weren’t planning to have another child until he was done with school. Bryson was born in August 2010 and completed our family puzzle!

In April 2011, It Works! found me! I asked Anthony if I could sell “these It Works! wraps,” needless to say I got a dirty look and a big fat “NO!” He left for school the next day and I signed up!

In September 2011 I received my first 5 figure check!
In January 2012, Anthony quit school to help me full time with It Works! In March 2012 we promoted to Triple Diamond! In November 2012 we promoted to Presidential Diamond.
In January 2013 we fulfilled one of our biggest dreams and were able to move into a bigger house!

In July 2013 we reached the rank of Ambassador Diamond! We are in the first 25 Ambassador's in It Works Global!

We are blessed with this amazing company and our family-like friendships we have made!

YOU can be the next #success story!

Stay tuned for more promotions I'm offering this week....... 

*Give us a year and we'll change your life!
What is your Plan B?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Are you ready to change your life?

  So I was going to make another motivational post today, but I decided to shift my focus to my Network marketing business- let me preface my post by starting with my story. I started this blog a few years ago but was never really ever able to keep up with it because I was working full time and between working full time, taking care of three kids, the house, my marriage, and myself it left very little time for anything else especially me taking enough time to sit down and focus on topics for a blog.
   Fast forward to a few years ago I was stuck in a sales position I hated and I moved from one sales position to another I was so encouraged by my income and my career that my family life was suffering. Sure there were some great positives like my husband stepped up and learned how to cook, clean and do laundry. My children learned how to be self-sufficient but I was mentally gone. Then I got to a point where I was so stressed I quit my job and over the next two years I literally worked 4-5 jobs to replace that income. It Works Global was one of those jobs but I did something very stupid I put it on the back burner instead of making it my top priority and I killed myself making other people rich well I just got by, I mean literally everyone I worked for I as well as other employees were making these other businesses money.  I had gained 30 pounds and was by no means a good representative to a healthy company.
   Once again I had, had enough in May of 2013 I went to a boot camp in Atlanta for It Works! Global and I got it, I heard the stories, I saw the husbands retiring in a year instead of when they are 65. I saw and met people paying off their debts, paying cash for things, going on vacations. I understood that Network marketing is the way of the future. I have put 100% focus on my It Works! Global business and I have made some wonderful lifetime friends, I've paid off some debts and I am on my way to building a successful team.
     Think about Mary Kay when they started, could you imagine the people still making money from that, It Works has not even tapped the billion dollar industry and we only have 65,000 distributors world wide. Do you know what that means? You could be part of something amazing right now and for only $99 and no risk! Our busiest quarter is approaching but why wait join now, plant those seeds and start your team now is the time especially if you could use an extra $500-$1000 for Christmas. I ask you if you wait where will you be in a year and best of all you can get healthy along the way. I am proud to say this is my only job now and I am a better mom and wife now than I have been in a long time. Come join my team and start making tomorrow a better day. If you would lose your job tomorrow what is your plan B?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Don't Be A Shadow

         Have you paid your dues? Have the flood gates opened to you? Do you believe in yourself in your capabilities? Do you give 110 percent to everything you do- do you put your backbone into it? As I prepared for my next post I once again realized how as a society we are programmed to believe that if we take unnecessary risks you risk losing any security you have in your life. We are programmed to be negative, this is awful- do you ever read between the lines and really pay attention to what successful people say. When you watch interviews with people who are successful or watch shows about famous people do you really understand how they got famous? They believed in themselves when no one else did, they never quit and when they were told no a million times they never gave up they overcame and pushed forward. Success isn't about everything all peaches and rosy its about failing and failing over and over again.
         When you finally realize you only get one life and your time here is worth something, then and only then will you follow your passion and make your dreams come true. I feel sorry for the people that continuously go through life accepting what it is they have and not wanting more for themselves, for their family. If you think I am only referring to a monetary value you are mistaken. I challenge today to push forward and make things happen don't be a shadow to your own life..

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The 21st Century Working Person

             Did you ever hear the saying work Smarter not Harder? How many of you even know what that means or even how to do that? I was doing some research for this post and in 1970 the average work week was 35 hours and the average yearly income was $59,000. Now in this day in age employers expect us to work more than 40 hours per week and the average income is $51,000 a year- WHY????

        Why are we working longer hours spending less time with family and friends, deteriorating our health, increasing our financial debt and making less money? Facts have been proven that productivity is down causing people to have to work longer hours but do you know why? People are stressed out, stress from work, home, health etc this vicious cycle is affecting the way Americans live and work. I have met and seen so many people in such high credit card debt because they are so caught up in keeping up with the Jones...
       And people are so consumed with themselves instead of helping others anymore that not many people are reading between the lines and living in reality. The reality is that if you are ever going to have happiness true happiness in this world you need to start doing a couple of things. Number one don't take advise from your poor friends and family and surround yourself with only positive people. Number two take the time to smell the roses everyday, someday what you thought were big problems will be the little problems in your life. Number 3 put yourself first- make sure you think about what your eating everyday and take care of your body..dress up and feel good about yourself everyday. Furthermore when you get paid, pay yourself first and put that money away. Number four- help as many people as you can everyday, I'm not saying be a know it all and crank out advise but truly help others in need. Whether it is someone who needs a ride to someone looking for advise or even someone who may need financial help (i'm not saying start giving out free cash, but if someone needs $5 to eat lunch be the person to give it to them if you can.) And number five don't take life so serious, if you are too busy trying to get work done, your not focusing on the important things in life, like children's Christmas concerts, talking with your kids, having date night with your spouse etc.

       If your saying well this all sounds great and to good to be true but I can't do those things, then you need to reevaluate your current position. Ask yourself if the circle your in is really worth it-are you happy? Take baby steps towards happiness live for yourself and be happy and the rest will follow.
  My journey started when I left a high stress job and am following my dreams and I would like to take others with me. Networking Marketing is the number one way to achieve all the things I mentioned above. Right now I am excited to earn a Christmas Bonus to make sure my children receive the Christmas they deserve. If you'd like to follow me message me at amyshowtime.myitworks.comamyshowtime/

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is your Halloween Candy going to make you fat?

                Have you been sneaking pieces of Halloween candy this week? Do you have any trick or treater's going out tonight and how many of you will be sneaking their candy. Things have changed from the time I was a child, when I was a kid Trick or Treat started right before dark and lasted for hours upon hours not to mention we used to receive full size candy bars back then. I remember I always got Clark bars oh I loathed those but my dad would always make sure they never went to waste. I'm pretty sure the whle checking the candy was a scheme parents came up with so they could eat their childrens candy. This leads me to today's post  with tonight being Halloween and me on my journey to being more healthy and helping my readers lead healthier lives I ponder how many of you will consume candy and how much candy will you consume.
                 I did a GOOGLE search and sure enough many others are pondering the same thing USA Today writes a story and they write "Almost all children in this country and half of adults will eat candy on Halloween." for the full article. And Forbes magazine is also "Dishing The Dirt" for the full article. But I want to know why do we do this? Why do we consume so much and totally forget about the past few weeks and how hard we have worked to not eat junk just to throw it away.
                 Sure I have a simple fix and I can pop two It Works!Global fat Fighters after I eat high fat foods which is what I do for many reasons that I'll get into later but its not a quick fix. As with anything else it takes a lot of time to Get Fat and therefore it takes a lot of time to Lose The Fat so why let a National Holiday ruin all your work. Is it that DEMON voice in your head that says "Oh you can have one, one isn't going to undo anything- this is true but one always leads to two, two leads to three and so on. Are we stronger enough for ourselves to ignore that voice today and push the candy dish aside?
                I am not I'll be the first to admit it but instead of getting frustrated and mad at myself I am going to eat the candy for tomorrow is a new day and the first of the month in which I personally am starting the Ultimate makeover program from It Works Global. But for today I will eat and snack and enjoy my children instead of worrying about how much Candy I consumed but I will be taking my Fat Fighters because I have been working hard to be healthier. Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Making a Fresh Start!

What is today doesn't have to be tomorrow! Why do we do the things we do everyday? The habits good and bad, the job we commit to good or bad and the way we treat ourselves and others good and bad. What is your why what is it derived from- what pushes you through your daily routines? Are you happy, are you able to achieve the goals you wish for? On Mondays are you one of those folks who post silly hatred comments about it being a Monday on social network sites?

Most of us form habits as children- good and bad and as we mature we either better ourselves or we get worse. I believe that part of this comes from how we are raised and how we are taught to view and live in the world. For example if you are taught to be a hard worker 9 times out of 10 you will grow up to be a hard worker, but there is that small percentage of people that resent that they were taught this and they rebel. As adults you either go to college or you work in the service industry but regardless of what we do we all have to work (those that can work but choose not too well that's a whole different blog.) I am curious and I haven't ran the numbers how many people graduate college and get a job in the field they went to school for or if they are truly happy with their current position.  This also rings true for the blue collar worker, are they truly happy in their current position? I am not bias either way but I have a feeling no matter who you are, are you totally content with your current life situation? Now I am not naive I realize as Americans we are never really happy and we always yearn for more and I also realize the more money we make the more we spend. However I am getting away from my point. My point as children we are taught  that whatever we do as an adult it is derived from our PASSION. For example when a young child is asked what they want to be when they grow up they usually say school teacher, doctor, president, fireman, police officer etc you see where I'm going. Some children know from a very young age what they want to do for a living when they grow up and actually stay FOCUSED and COMMITTED and held ACCOUNTABLE and the end result they achieve there dream job. But that is not the reality for most of us, we are taught that as children then as an adult it is we are rushed to make a decision right out of high school to work, go to college etc and most kids aren't ready for this type of quick decision.. so what's my point I still haven't gotten there right?

As a child your taught to dream and if you work hard you can do anything, my dad used to say "you better enjoy what you do because you will have to do it for a long time!" Wow he was right... Anyways so what is your PASSION and WHY aren't you doing it? Or are you? Do you go to your job everyday because if you put in your 40+ hours every week your boss is committed to paying you for those hours and so basically your money driven? Or are you truly enjoying your job (because remember I said earlier we all have one, whether your a mom who stays home or you physically go to a work place) and are you rewarded mentally and physically. This is the Fire in Your Belly, this is what pushes you everyday, this is what helps you stay focused, break bad habits and treat yourself with pride, dignity, and allowing yourself to have a sense of accomplishment! The Fire in your belly is your WHY it is so much more meaningful then money- because we all need money, but if your don't have a WHY the money is meaningless.

 In my business my company pushes us to search for our WHY, they even say if it doesn't make you cry its not big or strong enough. This has become my PASSION to help others recognition their WHY and help them achieve it, whether its to be healthier or to be able to take care of an elderly parent, sick child, pay for college educations etc. Being a working mom and balancing work, home , marriage and children is sometimes very trying but I am pursuing my PASSION and because of that everything is balancing out the way it should. I welcome you to share your WHY and PASSION in the comment section below and if you would to know more about my company let me know. But whatever you do remember it is not too late for a fresh start!

After completing this blog I found myself listening to Tony Robbins interview with Brendon Burchard during his "The New Money Masters" series on CD and DVD and Brendon Burchard was very enlightening on this exact subject about being Passionate and loving what you do.

Here's an exert from Brendon's website... Why do some people succeed at levels beyond their imagination, while others struggle? It comes down to how they manage their psychology, physiology, productivity and persuasion. Think about it. If you can't master your mind, your body, your ability to get things done, and your ability to influence others to help you on your journey, then you're stuck forever in mediocrity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Take CHARGE and CHANGE today!

            If your reading this than you probably read my post yesterday about why are we FAT in Western PA, well in my last post I had mentioned some amazing things have been happening to me and its because I have chose to read the signs. This is what I mean I mentioned these four questions in my last post " Are we Lazy? Do we just not care enough about ourselves to change? Are we scared? or do we just don't have enough time?" Well I was discussing this post last night with my mother and my 14 year old daughter and my daughter said "Mom it is the foods we eat that are making us fat!" This rung a bell in my head cause just the night before I was talking to an old friend who recently loss a significant amount of weight by eating 95% organic and cutting out GMO's from her body. I want to quote her saying " I now eat to live, I don't live to eat" Both of these statements made me evaluate those questions and yes I believe that all those come into play because of the food we eat. The food we eat are/is making us FAT and it is preventing us from living our healthiest.
            Let's start by looking at the artificial sweeteners, diet sodas and food dyes just to mention a few that are put into our foods, I know at some point one or any of you reading this has seen a story in the news or on Face book showing how bad they are for you. As a matter of fact please visit and sign the petition to remove dyes from our foods and read the accompany story, it talks about one family's journey to remove dyes and how it relieved hyperactivity in their child. 
       But let's also look into GMO's and what they are  "GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding." Okay or in place ENGLISH harmful to your body. Visit to learn more about how to eat and find Non GMO foods.
       When you take a closer look at the situation that just isn't taking place in Western PA but all over the US; yes we are lazy and scared- we are too busy and we don't care enough about ourselves to do the research, we don't read labels (even if we do, do you completely understand what your looking for?), we are okay with that instant caffeine or sugar rush that doesn't last but makes us feel good for that brief moment, its way easier to just grab something quick than to take the time to plan. Then when you get to a certain point where you never feel good you start to develop illnesses but your too scared to change or you don't even know where to start because there are so many diets, gimmicks, and fads out there. I want to help!
       This is what I propose take CHARGE and CHANGE today, if any of this has hit home to you or you can relate- make the commitment and come on a journey with me.  Start with a journal it can just be a tablet from the dollar store but this is step 1 to getting a plan and getting organized and being healthier. Today write down all the reasons that you thinking are making you FAT. And I don't just mean in a physical state, what is holding you back from living the life you want to live and how does that make you feel?
        When you wake up tomorrow let the first thing you do is write in your journal, I don't care if what you write about is what you need to do that day, or if you journal what you eat all day long  or if its more personal about how your feeling throughout the day. What ever it is you keep in your journal make sure you do the things you say you will- this keeps you accountable as well as on the way to having a plan/goals to be happier. I will be on this journey with you so when you feel sad or happy make sure you know your not alone. On the days you feel happy, accomplished make sure you post on your social media sites, you deserve the recognition for living for you daily. Most importantly by taking the time to write in your journal daily you allow yourself planned time for you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why are we FAT in Western PA?

Why are we FAT in Western PA,  the why is still on the table but as I research I am learning that if we don't get control of the situation over 50% of the state will be obese in 20 years. This is increasingly alarming to me, my family and my friends as well as a society. So with this being said I have so many questions about why this is happening and my hope is to find some solutions. Are we lazy? Do we just don't care enough about ourselves to change? Are we scared? Do we not have time? As far as I'm concerned and myself included these are all excuses. Excuses to keep us FAT.

Some pretty inspiring things have been happening to me over the last few months and it started when my son started to go to church a lot with a buddy of his. For whatever reason I started praying and doing some deep evaluations of who I am and what I have achieved in life so far. I was always a thin person and in 2011 I started selling the It Works! products and I also quit my very stressful job in search of something better. It has been a long two years and 40 extra pounds later I am no shining example to my customers. Stress can either make you really skinny or really fat,  and unfortunately for me FAT!

So I decided one day during my evaluations this is it the stress, being unhappy, not being comfortable in my own skin has got to stop. So I decided to make tiny steps in a positive direction so now I wake up everyday and make the best of what I have, I may not LOVE my home but it is our home ,I make sure it is as clean as possible, I decorated for Halloween this year which I hadn't done for a few years and I don't put it down anymore in front of my children. I may not LOVE my home but where we live now may not be where we live forever. I get up and I plan my day, I am able to do what I love so I try to be as efficient as possible with my time so when the kids get home from school they now have my full attention- well as long as they want it. Something amazing is starting to happen I am feeling more relaxed and less stressed ( I know stress causes Cortisol to rise) and I have lost 5 pounds. (You know how they say "You can put it off  today cause it'll just be there tomorrow")Well I hate that saying it only prohibits what you have to do and we are all ACCOUNTABLE so just do what you need to do and then its done.

The next inspiring thing that keeps happening to me is I am learning that I am worth something, every time I want to quit or give up or I have a bad day I just smile and overcome what ever it is that is troubling me. "What is today won't be tomorrow!" Once again just when I think I'm going to quit I hear a voice in my head that pushes me forward or I see a sign or I meet someone who inspires me to push forward. We all have that voice in our heads that either pushes us forward or keeps us FAT, just this morning I read this amazing article that I would like to share on how to train that voice in your head to not think negative and allow you to have excuses.

My hope is to help anyone who would like to join me on this journey to find self-wealth, healthiness, happiness and financial freedom. As October ends I am keeping a journal and planning my personal and financial goals to prepare for a FAT free life. I hope you come back tomorrow to read about how to stop thinking about how to change and how to take charge and change Excuses!